2RREu45 225x50R (120V)

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  • Width [mm]: 50 mm
  • Diameter [mm]: 170 mm
  • Weight [g]: 3 g
  • Schutzklasse [IP]: IP44
  • Rated Volt [V]: 120
  • PWM/Alarm: no
  • FG/Tacho: no
  • Code: P38-C3
  • Phasen 1/3: 1
  • Plastic Impeller: Y

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One company, two brands!

ROSENBERG VENDÔME, with its ECOFIT and ETRI brands, offers a wide range of standard products as well as specific solutions for all types of air movement applications in the areas of ventilation, air conditioning, drying, humidification, heating, cooling or filtration.

ECOFIT, founded in 1976, develops, manufactures and sells external rotor fans.

ETRI has been a leading manufacturer in the fan sector for over 70 years with a wide range of products from industrial fans to flat miniature fans.


Product portfolio:

High-performance fans (AC and DC)

Axial fans (AC, DC, 400Hz)


Suitable applications:

Smart Building, Smart Industry, Medical, Railway/Underground trains,  Aerospace and Militay.


Certifications and quality management:

  • ISO9001
  • CE
  • UL
  • CCC
  • NFF16-102 & 16-102
  • CEI 77
  • EN50 121

